Avunu Part 2 Censor Cuts Report

Avunu Part 2 is the sequal of Avunu which is directed by Ravi Babu and got A Certificate on 12th Dec 2014. During the censor board review they have taken away few scenes and made the board this film is restricted to Adults.

The Scenes are removed are mentioned below :
1.    Reduced to flash the lip lock in the bathroom between hero and heroine.
2.    Deleted the complete bra visuals.
3.    Muted the dialogue “Kannerikam”.
4.    Reduce to flash lifting of saree of heroine on dining table in the last episode.
5.    Deleted completely the visuals of heroine being harassed by Mohan. (slapping, dragging by hair)

Avunu Part 2 Censor Cuts Report Avunu Part 2 Censor Cuts Report Reviewed by Surya on January 24, 2015 Rating: 5

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