I am an Aunty. Not 16 yr old Colors Swati

Swati posted on of her shooting stills in a village girl getup on her Instagram page. One of her followers quickly commented saying, "Please don't post this type of pic. Looks like aunty". To this, our bubbly actress reacted in a way that no one would ever expect from Swati.
 Swati said in her reply, "I AM AN AUNTY. It's not a bad word that I have to feel embarrassed to put up with. People like you are the reason it's hard to be yourself. I am not going to be the colours Swati who was 16 forever. Ok, Uncle? Chill with the free advice."
I am an Aunty. Not 16 yr old Colors Swati I am an Aunty. Not 16 yr old Colors Swati Reviewed by Surya on June 18, 2015 Rating: 5

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